Mwahhhh! While it may be cliché, we have to remind ourselves regularly to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).
Because oftentimes, entrepreneurs make the mistake of complicating things to the point of making it just too difficult for customers to do business with you.
Obviously, intentions are good, but the customer may drown in excessive details you provide. Or, perhaps the buying process is too time consuming or requires too many steps.
What happens when even one of these factors comes into play? The customer walks away.
The key to is make it easy for customers to buy from you. Period.
Below are a few tools to help you simplify and close the deal.
Website CTAs
While a website needs to be highly informative, customers should have a purchase option immediately when they decide to purchase.
The key is to sprinkle CTA (call-to-actions) throughout a website, so that customer need not scroll all the way up to take the next step. This website we built is a great example: It is impossible for the user to scroll very far without the option to take some type of action.
Buying Options
Not every customer has the same buying habits. Some want to simply click the “Buy” button (we love those folks!), some want to send you an email for more info, some want to reach out to you via social media and some want to speak to you on the phone.
These options all need to exist in every form of communication – whether it’s an email or a website. You want to ensure you can do business with a customer based on their preference.
People are inundated with email to the point that they often spend the first few minutes of their day clearing their inbox with a “delete” exercise.
An initial email pitch (these are for folks who are not yet customers) should be succinct. In fact, it should be only one sentence. This one sentence entices the customer to ask for more info – which you then follow up with a more detailed pitch. Please note: crafting the one-sentence email is likely to take you longer than writing the detailed pitch!
Social Media
One-click options are key to selling through social media. Consider linking your post directly to the purchase page on your website (or if you’re a service, to your scheduling page).
As a customer, it can be frustrating to read a post that says “click now” to receive this great product… only to have to click through three different pages of info, x-out of pop-ups, sign-up for a newsletter, et al to buy.
Remember that users can always click away from the product page to learn more and explore your offerings – but give those customers who have already committed to purchasing an easy way to do so.
We know it can be challenging to see the forest for the trees. And this approach may make you feel as if you’re oversimplifying – or dumbing down - your product or service. But always remember, it’s not about you and your business. Everything is about your customer and their experience.
Are you stumped on how to make the shift? Drop us a line at, and we’ll take a look.