Earning an A+ in Marketing

Many business owners get so caught up in making the next buck (we get it!) that they lose sight of the long game.

Truth is, as cliché as it sounds, slow and steady does win the race.

Shifting your business approach away from a direct sales model toward a customer relations model has a longstanding, powerful effect that ultimately increases sales.

One of the most effective ways to implement this customer-centric approach is education-based marketing. That means that instead of directly selling your product or service to a potential customer, your focus is on educating your audience about your industry.

Education-based marketing works to position you as an expert in your field and establishes credibility. This, in turn, then helps you build trust with customers. Then, when it comes time for them to make a purchase, your products/services are top of mind.

So, let’s take a look at how to implement an education-based marketing strategy.

Knowledge is Key

Among your target audience, there are huge gaps in knowledge about your industry. That’s why directly selling them on your product or service can be ineffective because the audience doesn’t understand the big picture.

Customers may not understand why they need your product or service – or that they need it at all. By providing expert info and advice, they’ll better understand your offerings, and ultimately, come to realize a need for it. This realization stems not from seeing an ad with your product or service – but because you have explained why they need it.

The fact is, the general population is worn out on traditional sales pitches. They want to work with a business and buy from those who know they have their best interest at heart. If you’re providing free information, tips and advice, you’re establishing your loyalty to your customer by demonstrating that you care first and foremost about them – not about selling your product or service. 

Think like your Customer

The key behind effective education-based marketing is to get into the mind of your customer. What questions do they have? What questions do you hear most often? (If you don’t know, surveys are a great way to engage your audience.) Address a list of FAQs before they are even asked.

You want to enter a conversation that’s already happening in the customer’s mind. You want to be top of mind when they need you. Keep in mind, customers do not think, “I need [your product/service].” They think, “I have this problem. How am I going to fix it?”

Also, be sure to consider not just what information you’re providing – but how it is going to be received. Does your headline or subject grab the audience? Is the information you’re providing – not only informative – but also interesting and engaging? Ensure your messaging solicits a response from the reader. Perhaps this response isn’t in the form of reaching out to you – but the information creates an emotion or keeps the customers reading or exploring your business to learn more.

Identify Touch Points

Just as important as creating education-based messaging, is how you deliver this message effectively. What’s the best medium to reach your audience: social media, direct mail, website? Sometimes, this may require a little trial and error to determine which medium is most engages your audience.

You also want to ensure that your delivery medium includes a way for customers to easily make a purchase once they’re ready. For example, if you’re using social media as your medium to deliver educational info, ensure you include a button or contact info so that people can easily take the next step. Same with your website, direct mail, signage – or any medium you choose.

There’s nothing more frustrating for a customer who has been “sold” on a product or service to suddenly not be able to take the next step. (And it should be equally – if not more frustrating – for you to have laid a foundation and then not close the deal!)

Add Value

The final component of education-based marketing is to add value. You’re already providing information, advice and tips – without expecting anything in return. (Remember, your sales pitch is nowhere in this equation!) You can add even more value by making a free offer with no strings attached. This could be a free report, a free assessment, a free sample. Again, when you provide your free item – ensure it is completely free and do NOT incorporate a sales pitch. With this approach, customers will be sure to come to you when they’re ready!


By using these concepts to implement education-based marketing, you’ll be sure to get an A+ from your customers and ultimately increase sales! Have questions about how to implement a education-based marketing for your business? Give us a shout at info@stamarketplace.com.


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