Crazy Times Call for Creative Solutions

Everything is changing… weekly, daily, hourly and sometimes even minute-by-minute.

So, how do you even begin to navigate the new landscape from a marketing standpoint?

The silver lining is that now is the perfect time to be creative, try new approaches, and implement new strategies. Never before has the slate been wiped clean and provided you this moment to shine. This is your opportunity to stand out and have fun doing so!

Here are some strategies to help you begin your marketing adventure:

Stay true to your brand

Be creative, but stick with the values and mission you established when you started your business. Use these as your foundation and springboard for new ideas. As you get more creative in your marketing, reference your original thoughts to ensure you’re still in line with your original messaging.

Be flexible

Now is the time to try new things - and new strategies. The sky is the limit! Do you have a whacky idea you believe will engage customers? Give it a whirl! If it doesn’t work, try the next idea. Your customers are very forgiving and empathetic at the moment because they know that everyone is navigating uncharted territory. Switch up your approach as needed to determine what works. 

Increase digital marketing

Increase your online marketing presence to respond to the increase in online shopping and social media usage. Online shopping and social media use has skyrocketed over the last couple months - and this trend is unlikely to return to levels of pre-Covid.

Make your products or services easily accessible online. This can be achieved through a “Buy” button on your website, a Facebook store or shoppable Instagram.

Show humanity

People aren’t just customers - they are people. There’s still very much a “we’re in this together” mentality. Relate to people. Show them YOUR humanity.

Help others

Do what you can to help. Whether it’s providing discounts, giving to organizations, giving back to your community or organizing an event that helps others. Selfless acts are highly effective in developing lasting customer relationships.

Join forces

We ARE all in this together. Put competition aside and ponder how you can work WITH those in the same industry.

This is an exciting time in marketing. We’d love to hear what you’re doing to branch out and be creative! Having a creative block? Give us a call at 904.671.5030 and let’s do some brainstorming!


Social Media Hang Ten


Creating the Perfect Logo