Fighting Senior Hunger in St. Johns County

Pie in the Sky Community Alliance strives to connect people with resources and facilitate long-term solutions to problems that affect the lives of the elderly, the poor, the historically underserved, and the disenfranchised people of our community.

Through the years, Pie in the Sky has helped hundreds of people throughout St. Johns County with a wide variety of services. They’ve built wheelchair ramps, given folks bus tickets home, operated a food pantry where they gave away 1.5 million pounds of food, helped a bunch of people get dentures, medical care and cancer treatment and they've helped young mothers with baby food and diapers, senior citizens with home safety repairs and farm workers with socks, boots and gloves.

And they continue to help today, nine years after their founding, by delivering fresh produce to the homes of low-income senior citizens throughout St. Johns County.

134 Riberia St., St. Augustine, FL 32084

904.217.4863    | Malea@PieInTheSkyStJohns.org